Wednesday, July 31, 2019

History of Special Education

Special education only began when parent-organized groups started advocating for disabled children’s rights. Prior to this, disabled children were considered crippled, dump, mentally defective or feeble-minded, (J. E. Wallace Wallin, 1924). They were therefore excluded from education in public institutions. By 1975, more than half of disabled children were denied an opportunity to education. (William N. Myhill, 2004) However, during the 1950s and 1960s several parent-organized groups of advocacy emerged. Such groups included the American Association on Mental Deficiency, Muscular Dystrophy Association, and Mental Retardation Panel by John F.Kennedy among others. These groups’ advocacy necessitated establishment of schools for children with disabilities, both at the local and state levels. The advocacy also led to state’s concern for special education. Several legislations that aimed at development and implementation of programs for the needs of children with disa bilities and their families were also passed. In 1958, 1959 and 1961 three laws; PL 85-926, PL 86-158 and the Teachers of the Deaf Act, respectively were passed. These laws helped in the training of teachers who to work with the mentally disabled and the deaf.In 1965 the state also approved the Elementary and Secondary Education Act and the State Schools Act. With these acts in place, states got access to grant funds for the education of children with disabilities (James J. Cremins, 1983). The United States Congress also approved the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA) in 1975. This law was to protect the rights of children with disabilities and their families. The law later became the legislative foundation through which special education received federal funding (James J. Cremins, 1983).In 1997 and 2004 the EHA was re-authored and renamed the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), changing the procedures for disability identification and demanding for hig h standards of qualification for teachers of special education. IDEA advocated for a Free and Appropriate Education (FAPE) to every student. Court cases have also been vital in shaping of special education. For instance, the Pennsylvania Association for Retarded Children (PARC) challenged the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1971 for the exclusion of mentally handicapped from public schools.The courts ruled out this discrimination. This case extended into 1972, with a ruling that children with disabilities be given education irrespective of its cost following a case filled by Mills against the District of Columbia (William N. Myhill, 2004) In 1998, Honig filed a case against Doe when two students were suspended for disruptive conduct resulting from their disabilities. The court ruled that students could not be punished for a disability-related misbehavior. As well, three different cases; Diana v State Board of Education (1970), Hobson v Hansen (1967-1968) and the Larry P. Riles case filled in 1979, sort a ruling on disability tests. The court ruled out the use of IQ, culturally biased and language-biased tests whose use to place a student in special education class was common. Special education has undergone remarkable transition; from the time when disabled children were simply ignored to today when a good number of programs for these children have been developed (James J. Cremins, 1983). There are now numerous professionals who evaluate children with disabilities and place them into the best conditions for their learning.References James J. Cremins, (1983). Legal and Political Issues in Special Education4–5 J. E. Wallace Wallin, (1924). The Education of Handicapped Children Losen, Daniel J. & Orfield, Gary (2002), Introduction to Racial Inequality in Special Education. The Civil Rights Project at Harvard University: Harvard Education Press. William N. Myhill, (2004). No FAPE for Children with Disabilities in the Milwaukee Parental Choice Program: Time to Redefine a Free Appropriate Public Education, 89 Iowa L. Rev. 1051, 1055

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Advocate general short notes Essay

Today human rights are central to the discourse of International Public Policy and Scholarship. And the mechanisms have evolved dramatically since the signing of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) on 10 December 1948. Human Rights do not exist in a vacuum, inevitably, they are formulated by individuals and state and they are implemented by states themselves. However, a number of national, regional and international bodies exercise responsibility for overseeing the monitoring of human rights and ensuring that states comply with obligation. The Constitution of India was drafted by the Constituent Assembly on 9th December, 1946 and after long discussions and debates by the foremost legal luminaries and thinkers of our country the draft Constitution was finally adopted on 26th November, 1949. The framers of the Indian Constitution were influenced by the concept of human rights and guaranteed most of human rights contained in the UDHR. The UDHR contains Civil and Political as well as Economic Social and Cultural rights. While Civil and Political rights has been incorporated in Part III of Indian Constitution i. e. Fundamental Rights, as Economic Social and Cultural rights have been incorporated in Part IV of the Constitution i. e. Directive Principles of States Policy. The inclusion of important provisions of UDHR in the Constitution of India has given them supremacy over all other statutory provisions. The table shows that many of Civil and Political rights enshrined in the UDHR also find mentioned in Part III of Indian Constitution as Fundamental Rights. However, these are certain rights which are contained in the UDHR but have not been expressly mentioned in the Constitution. These rights are; Â · No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (Article5). Everyone has the right to recognition everywhere as a person before the law (Article 6). Â · Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal, in the determination of his rights and obligations and of any criminal charge against him (Article 10) Â · Everyone charged with a penal offence has the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty according to law in a public trial at which he has had all the guarantees necessary for his defense [Article11. (1)]Â · No one shall be subjected to arbitrary interference with his privacy, family, home or correspondence, or to attacks upon his honour and reputation. Everyone has the right to the protection of the law against such interference or attacks (Article 12. ) Â · Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country [Article13. (2)] Â · Everyone has the right to a nationality [Article 15. (1)] Â · Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to found a family. They are entitled to equal rights as to marriage, during marriage and at its dissolution [Article 16. (1)] Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives [Article 21. (1)] Article 21 of the Indian Constitution is of widest amplitude and several unremunerated rights fall within it. These rights are: Right to go abroad

Monday, July 29, 2019

Biographies of Oneil and Adele Cannon Essay Example for Free

Biographies of Oneil and Adele Cannon Essay Oneil and Adele Cannon will be honored this year as they celebrate fifty years of an activist marriage. The following is just a short summary of the many ways Oneil and Adele Cannon have contributed to the history of Los Angeles. The great French philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712-78) wrote in his work Emile: â€Å"there is no happiness without courage nor virtue without struggle†. This is a quote that certainly can apply to the lives of Oneil Cannon and his wife Adele. As they celebrate fifty years of an activist marriage, their life journey has exemplified the qualities of courage and struggle. The causes that they have fought together are a chronicle of the progressive movement over the last half century. Oneil Cannon was born in Plaquemines Parish, Louisiana on January 28, 1917. He attended grammar and high school in New Orleans, Louisiana. In his 20’s he was drafted into the Army in Louisiana. He first visited L. A. during his furlough from the Army, to visit his sister and younger brother. He met and married his first wife, Elizabeth, in New Orleans in 1939. After his discharge from the Army in 1945 he felt that Los Angeles would probably offer better opportunities for a man and his young family, so they moved to Watts. This was during the era of a large migration of African-Americans from the south to California and other northern states. In order to sustain an income in those beginning years, he had various jobs. In 1946 he obtained a position as an Insurance Agent with the historical Golden State Insurance Company (the first insurance company to predominantly serve the African American community in Los Angeles). As Oneil puts it: â€Å"My brother Fred and I had opened our own printing shop in Watts before either of us knew very much about printing. We were both just out of the Army (World War II) and after a time, we decided that I would go to school and learn printing. I studied printing at Frank Wiggins Trade School which later became Trade Tech Junior College in the years 1947 to 1950. Fred would stay and take care of the shop and then I would come home and teach my brother what I learned at school about printing. That was my job. That’s the way we did it. So we both became printers at the same time, but I became a printing teacher, the same day that I became a printing student. We ran the shop and studied between meetings and other community activities, which we were both involved in Mrs. Carlotta Bass, editor and publisher of the California Eagle Newspaper, (who also introduced Oneil to Paul Robeson) also had a printing shop needing someone to take it over at that time. So Oneil went in and made a deal with her–she rented him the use of the printing shop. Therefore Oneil was in business for himself as the California Eagle Printing Company (1950-55). Also, he still worked with his brother at the Quick Service Advertisers Print Shop on 111th and Wilmington. They printed signs, leaflets and advertisements for various funeral establishments, political causes and groups, and businesses in the community. One day Carlotta Bass came into the printishop with some people to talk to Oneil about the Printers Union. Because of his hands-on work and training as a printer, they invited him to join in starting a campaign to break the color line in the Printers Union. This was a significant point in continuing the struggle for equal opportunities for all, and shows his genuine concern and courage to bring justice to the community. Philip â€Å"Slim† Connelly from the CIO, asked if he could participate in this very important campaign. Prior to this time, the Union did not have any African American members. Considering Oneil’s history of activism, from the voting rights movement in the south in the 1930’s, to being involved in breaking the color bar in the International Typographical Union (ITU), this was one of the most important, telling and dramatic labors of his life. Oneil stated, â€Å"This is how I got started to working on getting into a printing union. After getting all sorts of â€Å"run arounds† from printing unions, somehow some of the Communists who were in the ITU came to me and offered to help, if I was really interested in breaking the Jim Crow status in the printing industry and unions in Los Angeles. I had absolutely no doubts that I was ready for this struggle; â€Å"a piece of cake†, after all, hadn’t I just come from â€Å"Jim Crow† Louisiana where I’d lived all my life, and hadn’t I just gotten out, after three years in a â€Å"Jim Crow† Army. I had been all over Los Angeles looking for, and working on different jobs. But you â€Å"ain’t† lived until you have to deal with well-organized trade union bigots. These dudes were really pros. Interestingly, I never once heard them attacking my desire for membership on the basis of race, but only because the people who advocated my membership were Communists. Incidentally, I never saw any membership cards, but saw that they knew of my efforts to become a printers union member, and that they were the ones who came to my assistance. Logic tells me that there was something strange about the Union’s argument, because if they hated Communists so badly, why were these white Communists â€Å"in the union†, and not one African American? This point was raised by one of the comrades on the union floor and he was roundly booed, but not put out of the union. † Oneil finally became a member of the Printers Union, but then was never sent out to jobs. When he went to the Union Hall, somehow there was no work for him. However, some of his friends benefited by Oneil breaking that barrier, and did get jobs. So the struggle continued. Meanwhile, Oneil continued operating his own â€Å"Union† printing business Fidelity Lettershop, which he continues to run today. â€Å"I ended up not only running my own printing shop, but also teaching graphic arts at S. T. E. P. ne of the â€Å"Poverty Programs† and eventually I retired as a California State credentialed graphic arts teacher in 1999. This is where he first met (now Congresswoman) Maxine Waters. I still teach on a volunteer basis at the Paul Robeson Center in south Los Angeles, of which I am the director. I’ve been teaching printing a long time. † Oneil and Adele met in 1947, while working together as part of a political team in South Los Angeles during the campaign to put Henry Wallace (who was running against Truman) and the Independent Progressive Party (IPP) on the Ballot. Adele was also an activist, beginning with the Franklin Roosevelt campaign as a precinct worker. Adele Marx Rosenfield was born in El Paso, Texas in 1923. Her family moved to California in about 1936 and she graduated from Fairfax High School in 1940. She then attended UCLA to study Chemistry. After Pearl Harbor, she enlisted in the WAVES, but was discharged after only 17 days due to â€Å"political activities in civilian life†. It turned out the government had interviewed a friend of the family who told of her activities. She married and had two children—Jan and Dale Goodman. Adele and Oneil were married in December, 1954. When her youngest child, Jan Goodman, was in Junior High School she went back to school at UCLA Extension and then for her Masters of Business Administration at Cal State Dominguez, while working as an office manager, and raising a family. After earning her CPA and working as a full-time accountant, she served as the Peace and Freedom Party’s State Treasurer for 16 years and is still a State Officer of the Peace and Freedom Party. Since starting to work together as part of a political team in South Los Angeles during the campaign to put Henry Wallace and the Independent Progressive Party (IPP) on the ballot in the late 1940’s, they continued as a team when fighting to free the Rosenbergs and later Angela Davis. One fight always led to another, as they fought as part of the IPP to force employers to hire African and Mexican- Americans, where the slogon was â€Å"don’t bank or buy where you can’t work†. As part of the South-East Inter-Racial Council, they fought to end segregated housing and restrictive covenants and to bring Negro History Week into the Los Angeles City Schools. Always striving to bring peace, they gathered signatures to the Stockholm Peace Petition, fought and demonstrated against the wars in Vietnam and continue to fight for Middle East peace. As they raised their six kids, the Cannons fought to bring equal education to South Los Angeles, including the multi-years struggle led by Odessa Cox to bring a Junior college to South Los Angeles, which culminated in the establishment of Southwest Community College. They were also involved from the beginning to acquire a health facility of some kind in Watts, which ultimately came under the leadership of Ted and Bernice Watkins and the Watts Labor Community Action Committee (WLCAC), a predecessor of the Martin Luther King, Jr. Hospital. Oneil Cannon is known to current activists as owner/operator/union printer at his print shop, Fidelity Educational Press. Oneil, along with his wife Adele and others co-founded the Paul Robeson Community Center in 1986. When they were thinking about a name for this Center, their daughter Jan Goodman suggested it be named in honor of Paul Robeson since their goal was to establish a multi-cultural/multi-ethnic community center. Therefore, who better to exemplify multi-culturalism than Paul Robeson. In the Cannons’ fifty years as a team, they have certainly lived their motto to improve our community. Instead of leaving when the kids were grown, they stayed to continue the fight for better schools and living conditions in South Los Angeles. In this way they have been able to truly contribute to a multi-cultural South Los Angeles. Biographies of Oneil and Adele Cannon. (2017, Jan 14).

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Eliza Lucas Pinckney Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Eliza Lucas Pinckney - Research Paper Example Not that she grew the indigo plant that made the blue dye either. That job also was done by Lucas Pinckney’s slaves. She gets credit for asking her father to send her indigo seeds, which she instructed her slaves to plant. People also give her credit for figuring out a way to process the dye into stackable storable cakes so that it could be shipped across the Atlantic to Great Britain and Europe where other women then were employed to stand over bubbling pots of blue liquid dying textiles. However, at least some of the credit for that should probably go to her slaves too, but usually does not. What Lucas Pinckney does deserve credit for perhaps is the way she persuaded the people enslaved by her and her family to cooperate in making indigo a lucrative business. Lucas Pinckney’s father, a wealthy British Army officer and governor of Antigua, moved his family to South Carolina when Lucas Pinckney was fifteen. Lucas owned plantations in Antigua and in the Low Country of South Carolina. The latter he left for Lucas Pinckney to supervise when she was only seventeen as he and his sons were called to war. Lucas Pinckney’s mother had an unknown illness because even though she was still alive, she is not mentioned as having much authority in supervising the plantation nor her daughter for that matter. Lucas Pinckney’s education is attributed to her father. Kristin Thomas Iden quotes â€Å"Harriet Simons Williams [who] suggests that Col. Lucas’s influence in his daughter’s education is present through her mirroring of his intellectual values[:] ‘One of his most distinctive traits, which his daughter acquired, was a desire to see himself and those around him usefully employed. She had his taste for trying â⠂¬Å"schemes.† She also acquired from him a devotion to his library.†1 Having attended school in England, Eliza was well-educated and not only competent, but also confident. She differed greatly from her contemporary counterparts who were usually married with children by the age of seventeen. Another way she differed was how she viewed her place in society. At the time, the Great Awakening, evangelical religious fervor, was spreading throughout colonial America. To most of those who lived in Colonial America, religion was vital. After all, the freedom to practice it in the way one saw fit was a motivating factor in the establishment of the British colony so far from home. â€Å"Pinckney’s religious views reflected those of most Southern Anglicans, who valued the rational exercise of religion. As the Great Awakening began its move to the South in the 1740s, Pinckney appears to have remained unaffected; her letter illustrates that she continued to emphasize a ration al piety, a view that Pinckney perceived as rooted in God’s Word.†2 Most women accepted that prevailing religious view that women should be in submission to God and their husbands or fathers regardless of whether they were Anglican or evangelical. While educated women read at the time, proper reading material consisted of â€Å"advice literature and sermons which installed and perpetuated a highly stratified social hierarchy, accepted a subordinate social status.† Not only that, since the south was entirely dependent on slavery, another hierarchical system, â€Å"white women, identifying with and desiring the protection of the white male, used reading and writing as a means to support the

Social Culture and Diversity in the Wrokplace Research Paper

Social Culture and Diversity in the Wrokplace - Research Paper Example ization because they feel appreciated and valued, thus significantly reducing the problem of turnover that is a threat to business continuity in most institutions. An organization that values diversity acknowledges differences among staffs through action by emphasizing on the rightful environment necessary to create flexibility and responsiveness where staff potential is recognized harnessed and developed. This paper will discuss the aspect of social culture and diversity in the workplace and explore the description of the subject matter in terms of social and cultural differences, managing cultural diversity, benefits accruing to a culturally diverse organization, potential impact, challenges and possible solutions for organizations that have embraced or are looking to achieve social and cultural diversity. Social and cultural diversity may be described to include a population that is culturally diverse made up of people from different parts of the globe meaning that organizations end up with a mix of multi-racial and multi-cultural employees. Demographics in any population of people are dynamic and this phenomenon trickles down to organizations where these people work. There are social and cultural differences in terms of races, national origins, ethnic backgrounds and religion. These differences in demographics among the working population bring valuable skills, knowledge and experiences which the organization can utilize to create a hybrid of human resources and capacity to develop its growth agenda and business success. As immigrants and expatriates from different national origins get employment in an organization, they come with many skills and abilities, as well as differences. Ethnic Backgrounds also comprise of diversity characteristics in an organization. Individuals are born and raised in different environments with rich cultural heritages from their parents and forefathers. These individuals bring with them different insights, ways of perceiving and

Saturday, July 27, 2019


A CRITICAL OF THE USE OF FACEBOOK AS A SOCIAL MEDIA TECHNIQUE TO PROMOTE SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE BUSINESS ONLINE - Literature review Example oviding online shopping experience to its customers and over the years this mode of shopping has been very well accepted by the customers (Internet World Stats, 2012a). However the industry had also witnessed a crash of some major companies and it was realised that competing in the age of internet has become more risky and this tool has to be used very wisely so as to gain the competitive edge (Internet World Stats, 2012b). Social media is still being deemed as a transforming power of the present world. It makes marketing more innovative and intellectual. Social media network allow its users to share ideas, events, activities and interests by providing a platform to share news and information, provides different alert services like CAS and SDI, facilitates enhanced consumer knowledge by allowing product reviews, provides information about new products and services and allows businesses to come up with innovative strategies that would help the owners expand the business opportunities among a wide range of customers (Kalmath, 2013; Humphrey and Schmitz, 2002). The activity of a group of people gathering together to share knowledge, views and information by making the use of conversational media is commonly known as Social media (Weinberg, 2009; Kaplan and Haenlein, 2009). There are different forms of social media that SMEs can take advantage of, for example, social book marking, blogs, social networking websites, content writing communities, virtual worlds, micro-blogging sites, online gaming websites, news sites, online forums and many more. Web 2.0 and social media are both, means of communication that share the same features implying both are user-friendly and user-empowering and enhance knowledge sharing (Erdogmus and Cicek, 2012). A company can overcome the problems associated with the conventional methods of marketing, by way of adopting social media marketing strategies. Thus the user will be able to efficiently allocate the available resources to improve

Friday, July 26, 2019

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing Essay

The importance of effective care management practices in the nursing - Essay Example The researcher states that effective care management is essential for the betterment of nursing management and also for the betterment of the overall society. A patient gets satisfied if the nurse delivers him an effecting and caring service and also the disease of the patient gets cured with ease. Nurses are required to implement effective care management practices with the help of team work and collaboration with others (doctors and patients). Nursing can be described as a service profession where nurses play two basic roles: care provider and care manager. As a care provider the main role of a nurse is to provide greater care to her patients who are suffering from diseases or health-related problems. As a care manager the main role of a nurse is to provide her patient a comfortable environment and practices to get rid of all the pains and sufferings. Effective care management is an essential requirement for the purpose of providing effective nursing services to patients. The notio n of care management is particularly important for nurses because they are the most important care provider to the patients. It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society.... It is also because they are the care manager of the most important service sector in society, the health care sector. Among all care management practices the nursing care management is the most important care management practice in health care sector of society. Care management practices have been recognised not as professions which require professional status; rather care management has been identified as one of the most important practices in service sectors of the society (Cress, 2010, p.400). Care management is described not as a necessity for the purpose of improving health conditions of a person, but it is looked as a critical strategy element of health plans of the society. Effective management of care and chronic health conditions are absolute necessities in modern society; not only from society’s point-of-view, but also from economic point-of-view. From society’s perspective greater health care management leads to greater effective and improves health condition s of the society. From the perspective of economics, effective health care management means greater savings in terms of human resource through effective health conditions of societies (Berger, 1999, p.199). The notion of care management can be used as one of the most important concepts in health care sector, nursing management. Nursing management can be described as a process where nursing resources are coordinated and integrated to deliver an organised high-client care to different individuals and groups or communities. This nursing management requires collaborations and team works among different agents who are involved in the heal care service sector of the society (Nagelkerk, 2006, pp.9-10). The notion of care

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Final Canvas -knowledge partner Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Final Canvas -knowledge partner - Essay Example one of the most effective tools for strategic management, which assisted Lab Vlieland in determining the potential problems that are likely to impact in future (Muehlhausen, 2013). Customer segment is one of the internal blocks of canvas model of Lab Vlieland, as the segmentation of customers allow the business to identify its key customers. Additionally, the company tends to focus over identifying the communities i.e. the targeted customers whom they serve products and/or services and maximize profitability of the business. Moreover, community members, knowledge partners, developers and employees of the organisation are the four key customer segment of Lab Vlieland. The knowledge partners of Lab Vlieland include travelling agencies, universities, sponsors, energy specialists as well as community members and volunteers. These knowledge partners will enable Lab Vlieland to get consultancy, supporting to provide efficient services as well as intelligence-based approach to attract large tourists. Apparently, developing strong connection with the communities will effectively ensure attractiveness of Lab Vlieland. Besides, developer is directly related to measuring the changing perception of the customers and engaged in research and development activities to provide maximum satisfaction to the customers. On the other hand, employees of the business engaged in producing products and/or services as per their requirements of customers (Diehl & Nikolou, 2013). Customer relationship is one of the most integral approaches of managing customers by forming effective communication with current and possible customers. In this regard, it is very essential for Lab Vlieland to retain its profitability objectives and attracts customers with various customer intimacy strategies for building a strong differential competitive advantage and improved engagement with the consumers. Furthermore, this will enable to develop a strong connection with the communities at large. Another

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Outputs and Outcomes in Public Sector Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Outputs and Outcomes in Public Sector - Essay Example Such outcomes should be classified as outputs as they reflect what the institution has accomplished; they do not reflect what (or how much) students have learned. Nor do they answer the questions outlined above; in fact, they do not measure changes in the students as a result of their college experience. As opposed to outcomes that measure aggregated statistics on an institution-wide basis, student learning outcomes are concerned with attributes and abilities, both cognitive and affective, which reflect how the student experiences at the institution supported their development as individuals. Students are asked to demonstrate acquisition of specific knowledge and skills, generally: In a coordinated effort to answer these results-oriented questions, higher education governing and monitoring bodies have been working to address this need for accountability. They have (and are continuing to do so) reviewed and revised the standards that institutions use to demonstrate their efficiency and effectiveness. At the national level, both the American Association for Higher Education (AAHE) and the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) have advocated the need to increase awareness, the value, and necessity for measuring and reporting student learning as outcomes. However, because of the decentralized structure of accreditation of higher education in the United States, it has become the responsibility of the regional higher education institutional accreditation associations to develop standards by which to hold institutions accountable through evaluation, including the imposition of student learning outcome measures. (McMurtrie 2000) In the past, prescriptive standards that regional accrediting bodies established to accredit individual higher education institutions have been inputs- and outputs-based, focused on measuring and reporting the processes and structures concerning the delivery and use of institutional services. To increase accountability practices, regional accrediting bodies are placing more pressure on institutions to measure what students learn by applying assessment processes, replacing traditional standards with less prescriptive standards seeking outcome measures--institutional outcomes and student learning outcomes. Furthermore, several of the regional accreditors are requesting their member institutions to prepare assessment plans that measure outcomes, especially student learning outcomes, within the institution. (Hernon 2002) Student learning outcomes might be envisioned as applying only to undergraduates, when, in fact, they could be appropriate to graduate students, be they master's or doctoral students. At the same time, such measures could be appropriate for other constituent groups that the library serves. Moving beyond student learning outcomes, research outcomes are appropriate for graduate students, especially doctoral students, and for the faculty. As we noted in An

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Should car's price in China much Higher than US Essay

Should car's price in China much Higher than US - Essay Example It is clear that Chinese government policy has led to the skyrocketing prices of cars in China prompting unauthorized trade by small-time American entrepreneurs who export cars for profit. The Beijing car policy was intended to assist the Chinese auto-making industry make large profits but the move seems to benefit other world’s car makers such as General Motors and BMW. This practice is however against the standard industry practice as argued by Tesla who have since thrived in China with their electric cars. Regardless of the higher auto sales and output in China, the policies instituted in the industry shows that for the same car, the cost is higher in China than in U.S. there are also positive record of the number of cars that can be sold in China and US. It is reported that a high number of units of cars are sold in China compared to US despite the higher prices associated with cars in China. This is a sign of ready market in China that act as a green light to many international companies in the car industry to enter the market. Interestingly, the record number of purchase in China is not influenced by prices because car prices are averagely high. US companies tend to engage more in promotional campaigns to promote sales of their products, something that do not bother sellers in China because the market is ever ready. Recently, the Chinese government has warned companies selling their products including cars more expensively than any other market but the auto makers argue that they are entitled to set their prices differently in different markets. The companies argue that the additional cost is to make sure that the cars are sold with proper equipment and warranties for their final destination. However, the price differences between U.S and China has seen unscrupulous business people making huge profits by exporting cars

New businesses Essay Example for Free

New businesses Essay Consistent findings have imperatively indicated that the correlation between firm entry and survival is negative. Out of every one hundred new businesses introduced in the UK, 50 percent of them become obsolete before their third anniversary. Such high attrition levels are not only evident UK in alone but also in most modern economies and can be said to be a generic rule of thumb. Just why is it that so many nascent firms end up accomplishing little or nothing before they finally become extinct? Is it that their owners do not put enough efforts into the business development or are there other internal and external causes of this prevalent occurrence of business failure? Many theories have been put forth to explain the possible causes of the high rates of new business failure. It is not surprising that major diagnoses of the root causes of low survival rate in new businesses identify management inefficiency as one of the causes of the high attrition levels. Policy makers have also been blamed for recommending entrepreneurship as the solution to rejuvenating the economy yet little is done to educate people on what to expect amid globalization pressures, competition and technological changes that are likely to impact on the business survival. Other theories put forward include the supportive environment thesis, nature of activity and industry theory. Firm survival can however be properly classified in three explanatory dimensions: The firms specific characteristics; Operational factors and the business cycle. This paper explores the characteristics of business failure under these three dimensions and at the same time introduces a discussion on how entrepreneurs can enhance their businesss chances of survival by providing possible solutions to the low levels of survival witnessed in infant businesses. II. Analysis a) Definitions Birth of the firm: The introduction of a business marks the birth of a firm. This may actually start when the idea of the business is borne. Consequent activities such as registering the company, acquiring premises and capital are secondary elements in the birth of a business. Survival of the firm: Survival of the firm refers to its ability to withstand internal and external pressures to meet the objectives for which it was established. Survival determines whether a firm makes it through its lifetime or whether it fails and consequently exits the market. Death of the firm: This denotes the final stage in a business at a point where nothing can be done to revive the business and the only solution is complete closure. Termination of the firm as a legal entity: This means that the business is no longer recognized by the law. It means that a business in the context of the law is no longer operational and it is therefore not liable to debts, taxes among other liabilities to stakeholders. b) New Firms Survival Literature New businesses in the UK have in the past shown high levels of business failures witnessed within the first three years of inception. According to Caliendo and Fossen (2009: 154) at least fifty out of every one hundred new businesses introduced did not make it to their third birthday. A study by the DTI Small Business Service from 1995 to 2004 reveals that these failures are actually vary with industries which could be attributed to the various conditions that exist in these sectors (DTI, 2007: 13). On average, 82% of new businesses established survived the first year in business. Improvement has been recorded and by 2004, an average of 58% of new businesses survived the first three years over all the sectors. Detailed survey results are shown in table 1 and 2. c) Why Half of Nascent Firms Fail: The Survival Explanatory Dimensions 1) Firm Specific Characteristics i)Managerial Organization Discernible management errors and high incidents of poor management highly contribute to the low survival rates of newly established firms. The death of many firms is mostly characterized by management which has turned out to be reactionary. Inefficient decision making and inadequate or non-existent planning will have contributed to the failure of the business in at least 30 percent of nascent firms (Phillips, 2004: 68-70). Veronique and Wever (2000: 138) note that managers inability to react to various forces affecting the business operations such as competition, technological advancements, economic trends and money issues could lead to the ultimate downfall of a business. Inadequacy in management expertise is essentially attributable for the business failure to explore alternative financing options leading to bankruptcy. ii)Inadequacy of Cash Reserves Inadequate financing comes in as a close second after poor management. New owners with little or no prior experience in business may fail to effectively predict cash flow. Miscalculation of amounts required to sustain the business before it picks up and underestimation of the costs associated with borrowing money are the major causes of financial strain (Lane and Schary, 1991: 101-103). Exhaustion of cash reserves is also likely to be influenced by poor pricing, over-investment in fixed assets and uncontrolled growth. Uncontrolled growth occurs when the owners want to take up every opportunity that comes so that at the end of it all they cannot satisfy all their customers. In this case, firms end up borrowing large amounts to meet the high demand and when the loans cannot be paid effectively, what results is collapse of the firm (Audretsch and Keilbach, 2004: 423). Other causes include over dependence on a few customers, fraud and uncontrolled drawings by the owner. iii)Poor debt management and Over-borrowing This is closely associated with cash inadequacy and it results where managers are ill-equipped in financial management. Small business owners are likely to obtain the wrong type of financing and worse still take more than the business can afford to pay (Jostarndt, 2007: 139). This may lead to borrowing loans to clear existing ones which is not a good debt management strategy. Inability to pay debts on time and lack of coordination between incoming cash and outgoing cash may lead to the business finally going bankrupt and consequently causing its death. iv)Ownership Status There are two ways of looking at this perspective: the legal ownership and the reasons for starting the business. A sole proprietorship business is more likely to fail due to financial and management problems than a partnership or a limited company. The reasons for starting the business can highly influence a firms survival. Moore and Gooderl (2008: 8-10) name two types of entrepreneurs: the opportunity entrepreneur and the necessity entrepreneur. The former establishes a business to exploit available business opportunity while the latter may start up a business for the purpose of sustaining himself probably if he cannot find a job. According to Moore and Gooderl (2008: 16-17) the opportunity entrepreneur is likely to succeed while the necessity entrepreneur may not exert enough efforts towards the business. The increased number of necessity entrepreneurs in the UK has highly increased the failure levels in new businesses. v)Personal Characteristics of the owner This mostly has to do with the attitude of the owner and the manner in which he or she applies these in the business context. Owners make a mistake of taking up all responsibilities without making use of delegation to junior employees as a result of fearing that they may not do it perfectly. Jensen (1976: 335) describes this as the challenge of letting go. Owners normally find themselves exhausted from overwork and yet do not find time to address important issues facing the business. Use of business funds by the owner can also cause detrimental effects on the business. Personal attitudes such as aggressiveness and lack of concern for the employees may cause high rate of employee turnover as well as keep away customers (Daily et al, 2002: 398-343). vi)Innovation and reaction to technological changes The world is advancing at a high rate and technology is one of the areas that a business needs to keep up with. Many new businesses fail due to being left behind in technological advancements such that they are overtaken by their competitors who take with them all the customers (Agarwal, 1996: 103-106). Innovation is one of the major tools for a successful business and this is one area that new businesses have not been able to address mainly due to lack of enough capital to come up with new products and services. viii)Poor knowledge of the market Most business owners enter the market with little knowledge about what to expect. Failing to conduct market feasibility studies limit the owners knowledge on the competitors in the market and their influence; the customers characteristics and behaviour and various market fluctuations they are likely to encounter (Covin et al, 2000: 199-206). 2) Operational factors i) Competition New businesses are often overwhelmed by the efforts required to counter competition from already existing firms. This is considering that these firms have already established their customer base and winning loyal customers could prove quite a challenging task for new businesses. Usually, dominant competitors may even device ways of putting new entrants out of business such as lowering prices and offering discounts (Covin et al, 2000: 200). Their aim is to push the new competitors until they cannot keep up with the situation such that they eventually quit. ii) Location The location of a business is a major determinant for its survival. New businesses in rural areas are likely to fail due to limited local markets and isolation. On the other hand high costs, presence of large firms and regulatory barriers pose challenges to businesses located in the urban areas (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 250-253). 3)Changes in Business Cycle i)Macroeconomic growth and economic pressures New businesses are usually unable to handle economic shocks that may result from high interest rates, fluctuations in exchange rates and general inflation. According to David and Mahmood (1995: 89-93) not many businesses survive an economic surge or a recessionary period which may lead to skyrocketing of supply prices and high costs of borrowing. ii)Entering Cohorts exit rate Cohorts refer to groups with similar characteristics. The result of exit of similar businesses can either have a positive or negative effect on a new business. Exit may mean less competition which is an advantage. New firms however rely on one another for inspiration. A person operating a business where everyone is quitting due to one reason or another is bound to get disillusioned and have the attitude that his business may fail too (Phillips, 2004: 69-71). iii)Changes in legal environment When the laws of a country change, new businesses are likely to suffer since they are not yet stable enough to cushion themselves from such changes. Amendment of tax laws and business requirements may cause a new business to go bankrupt. d) Increasing Survival Chances Strategies to increase the chances of survival for a business entail addressing the leading causes of failure. The most fundamental requirement is the improvement of the management capabilities. When there is good management in a firm, other factors will follow suit because every operation of the business is determined by the management (Sutaria and Donald, 2004: 253-255). Improvement of communication within the business and proper sharing of duties are skills that the owners of the business need to acquire. This can be done through attending management and entrepreneurial seminars and conferences so as to learn secrets of firm survival from professionals. Proper planning is the ideal solution to financial problems. Veronique and Wever, 2000: 139-141) refers adequate anticipation of cash flow as the secret to overcoming financial problems for starters. This could be done through the help of an expert if the owner is not in a position to do so. Finding alternative sources of finance apart from the usual ones is key in preventing the collapse of a business due to lack of funds. There are many available sources of finance including bank loans, credit card advances, sale of assets among others (Moore and Gooderl, 2008: 298-299). Care should then be taken to make sure the finances are properly utilized. The firm should avoid relying on a few customers because huge losses can be felt if the customers suddenly withdraw. Instead, they should aim at a large customer base. Over-borrowing can be reduced through making proper cash forecasts and using the limited resources that the business has. In essence, the firm can adopt a steady growth over time instead of rushing to expand at once (Daily et al, 2002: 399-401). Finally, the management should be keen in managing the debts of the business keenly balancing the income and expenditure so as to cover all liabilities and debts in time. A business must clearly identify its customers and establish whether they can sustain the business effectively considering the level of competition. This can be done prior to the business establishment through a market feasibility studies while answering the following questions: How many competitors are in the area you plan to establish your business? Who will be the businesss customers and what are their buying habits? What is the level of loyalty of these potential customers to the current suppliers? Are they likely to buy your product? Is the product seasonal? Is it possible to make profit out of the business? Once these questions are answered, the likelihood of failure can be minimized as specific strategies to address the issues can be formulated (Audretsch and Thurik, 2007: 113-141). Business owners must realize that they cannot do everything by themselves. Employers can delegate and allow employees to make certain decisions. Consequently, owners will have ample time to concentrate on more important business issues such as finding new customers, getting more funds for the business as well as solving the current issues facing the business (Daily et al, 2002: 403-405). The need for long-term planning is inevitable. This involves planning for growth and transition in the future. It also involves planning for uncertainties such as loss of employees, customers and suppliers. In the wake of the high global trade advancement and changes in the market, businesses should always be alert to avoid being taken unaware by advancements in technology, innovation and changes in customer preferences and culture (Zoltan, 1988: 321). Legal changes and changes in tax systems should be catered for in the long-term business plan. The state of the economy is bound to change from time to time which is why firms must anticipate for any future economic shocks through investing in stocks, futures, options among others. Insurance is also an option for more larger firms. III. Conclusion No environment can be said to specifically favour new firms in all angles hence the need for those starting new firms to be overly cautious. Firms are most definitely exposed to numerous risks that may lead to their extinction as indicated in this discussion. Management is identified as the root cause of low survival rates among nascent firms and its improvement could work to solve the predicament presently being witnessed in new firm survival. Proper balancing of the firms cash reserves; being generally alert to any changes in the business environment; making informed decisions to deal with these changes coupled with excellent management practices is exactly what is needed to save young firms from their predicament and promote their longevity.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Barriers to Effective Communication Essay Example for Free

Barriers to Effective Communication Essay Most important amongst the ever-recurring and constant troubles in the field of police administration is that concerned with creating and sustaining a successful method of communication. Communication is the most important medium for concerning agreement between all the personnel of a department as to the police goals. It is the foundation for a regular and ongoing understanding of problems and accomplishments practiced on a continuing basis to reach their final objectives. The process of successful communications in a department starts with the leadership establishing clear guidelines how its personnel should interact with each other, whether it is by memo, emails, forms, daily briefings or training. Leadership in any organization must identify and mandate the objectives of the organization. Pfiffner (1951) stated â€Å"In all management situations, communication consists of organizational relationships and mechanics on the one hand, and the human factor on the other, in actuality both existing together. † Communication is the method of transmitting cues, mostly written and oral, in order to adjust human behavior. The communication process works in three steps, initiate, transmit, and impact. In a police department, initiate and transmit could be where the desk sergeant, issues the daily tasking that he receives from his leadership to his patrol officers beginning a shift. Impact takes place when the officers going out on patrol implement the tasking given and could be discussing the tasking amongst each other as well to gain feedback. Hearing is a passive occurrence that requires no effort. Listening, on the other hand, is a conscious choice that demands your attention and concentration† (Livestrong, 2001). The differences between hearing and listening is that when someone is speaking and you are hearing when you just hear the words coming out, not really paying attention to all of what is said. When listening, you are collecting thought on what is being said, but if you think you already know what the person is talking about, a person could just disregard the words that were just passed. There are generally four basic levels of hearing and listening, according to Toast Masters. org. You can easily fall into one or these more categories in different conversations. A non-listener is totally preoccupied with his personal thoughts and though he hears words, he doesnt listen to what is being said. Passive listeners hear the words but dont fully absorb or understand them. Listeners pay attention to the speaker, but grasp only some of the intended message. Active listeners are completely focused on the speaker and understand the meaning of the words without distortion† (Livestrong, 2011). Communications are vital in law enforcement. Police personnel have to comprehend the importance of tone of voice, pitch, and variation, the variances of hearing and listening. Facial expressions, body movements and posture are also significant for effective communications. Cultural and ethnic dynamics are essential factors of a police officer’s communication skills. The formal and informal channels of communication in criminal justice organizations are two distinct processes. Formal relations, occupation explanations, duties and processes are found in formal communication channels. These channels match the formal chains of command, and accountability recognized in organizational charts, standard operating procedures, and policy manuals. For many police departments and organizations, formal communication channels are the primary standard and rarely differentiate. Informal channels are considered a â€Å"grapevine or rumor mill† type construct. Police officers discussing an incident in the locker room can be considered informal, and if the district attorney and a defense lawyer are chatting about a case at lunch or a washroom are prime examples for informal channels of communications. In an informal channel of communication, the original words that were spoken could be altered, invalid, and misconstrued so much in a department, that the information can provide inefficiency in any organization. â€Å"Barriers to communication often arise when one party is concerned about personal or professional status. The four basic categories, or types, of obstacles to effective communication are as follows: (1) emotional barriers, (2) physical barriers, (3) semantic barriers, and (4) ineffective listening. Each of these barriers can cause either the sender or the receiver to fail to communicate effectively† (Wallace and Roberson, 2009). Emotional barriers can exist in the receiver or the sender. Individuals base their translating of information on respective occurrences and beliefs. If a person believes they will be not taken seriously or made fun of when making a idea, then they will not participate in discussions or send their message. When a police officer has a case of low esteem, it could affect their duties on the street, believing that they might not be able to make a difference, stop certain criminals, and that barrier can cost the lives of innocent people or even peers. Physical barriers are the properties of an atmosphere that can cause communications to be challenging. Examples of physical barriers include equipment that does not work properly, having one officer on patrol instead of a team of two officers patrolling together in a bad neighborhood. Semantic barriers can cause differences between individuals, when one person might say one thing, and another forms an entirely different conclusion to that was said. This form of barrier can exist in a department where communication is very poor from the leadership down to the most junior personnel. Ineffective listening will occur if law enforcement personnel fail to pay attention to what others are communicating. The subject of discussion might bore or be irrelevant to certain persons, or just be to complicate to comprehend, and that transmission will be useless. Effective communication is fundamental in any chain of command. Leadership must be able to communicate its orders and direction to subordinates in a clear, concise manner, and with a positive message, so subordinate’s can perform to the best of their ability and listen to the message that is spoken, instead of just hearing what they want to hear. For an organization to communicate effectively, a person must be able to overcome the barriers that exist, and change one’s thoughts or feelings with another coworker. Taking personal responsibility ensures their workplace operates smoothly, and can rid the barriers that may plaque the organization.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The North And South Gap In Economic Development

The North And South Gap In Economic Development According to dependency perspective has globalization increase or reduce the North and South gap in economic development? The international political economy is determined by two significant income gaps. The first is the significant gap between the rich and poor nations, and the second is the growing differences between groups of LDCs. When we analyze North-South differences, we observe the North and Souths problems -Western system-. North-South debate had became great significant at the end of the 20th century. The return from an investment on a sustainable basis gap between North and South is growing. Also, the objects produced by the states of the South become lesser costly for developed countries. Such situation enables the less developed nations to create more in order to buy even lesser goods from the wealth countries. It decreases the skills of the less developed countries to direct the global economy because their goods are not needed and their view is not taken into account by the rich countries. Therefore less developed countries are usually discomfort with the direction of the global economy because of the little role that they play in its organization. The North-South issue was studied by the three different philosophical approaches, which argued whether this gap could be decreased in the global economic system. Liberal theory of economic improvement is the theories in the International economy. Globalist or Marxist approaches look the problem in the free-trade system. Structuralists are between liberals and globalists because they claim that the system is not optimal however can be in peaceful manner reformed and organized again. All theories can be made judgments at many point, but all of them contain significant information for the complex view of the issue. Marxists keen on the economics of South by North, which is an initial pattern of the capitalist system. They claim that free-trade represents a non equal exchange between the North and the South in the economy dominated the North. Thats why because of its direction ability, a requirement for the raw materials and markets abroad, the North decreases prices on the materials exported from the North. The problem with this approach is that the Third World is not any longer very important to the wealth nations. Its exports goods dont have affect on the North because each consumptions of raw materials reduces because of changing growth patterns, conservation, substitution and technological developments. Structuralists has same view with Marxists that free trade is not equal exchange with most of its benefits belonging to the rich countries. But, they argue that it is not a required view of the system. They say the two structure of society when some people has primal conditions and some has the global economy due to their job in export industry. By regional integration structuralists say creating of trade associations among many developing nations to require attractive and reliable to the foreign investors. This theory problem is the question of its practical act of implying. There is a political trouble connected to the economic realm: how can the weakest state change their situation against the will of the strongest state? Another question is whether regulation can be do and what is needed to do for its strengthened. Since the end of World War ll, developing countries have searched several different ways in an effort to change their dependence. In the Bretton Woods era, developing countries were dependent on the developed North and pursued national strategies designed to isolate or protect themselves from the international economic system. The major aims of the developing countries are to handle poverty and inequality, growing and to has an important role in the global economy decision process. Developing nations demand to change the system or to adapt to it with the lowest cost to their economy. There are many general Southern strategies to achieve these aims, which were acquired many years later of samples and mistakes, such as the attempt to delink themselves from some aspects of the International economic system, the try to change the economic rule itself, and the try to increase the greatest level the gains from integration into the common system. After the decolonization period, the non wealth countries made political independence however did not provide economic level. In many situations developing countries experienced suffering in having some countries but their main state as their financial suppliers. The Developing states economies were limited of capital and technical skills. Both factors comprised the dependence of the Southern states on the technology realm and economic resources of the more developed countries. The other wave of dependence was that developing countries depend their economies on one exporting material and so soon became dependent on their main countries. Bad result of the dependence situation of the developing countries on a only one commodity was that the price decreased this very commodity effected the all economy and destabilized it. Free-trade system looked like to advantages all however the developing countries; therefore they were distrustful of its effectiveness. To restrain their dependence, d eveloping states began two new strategies; the import substitution strategy (IS) the export substitution strategy (ES). The other strategy to achieve economic improvement for developing nations was to want the United Nations assisting in the sense of aid from foreign and special trade choices for example lower tariffs. As a result of this together cry for changes G-77 was made to behave as last indefinitely political parts representing the interests of the developing nations in the UN. The structure of the (UNCTAD) -United Nations Conference on Trade and Development- which deliver the opinion of structuralists about the greater aid flows, limiting of free trade and control of MNCs, showed the confrontations between LDCs and wealth countries in UN. The tries of the LDC to establish their assembly to affect the wealth countries went beyond. In 1974 developing nations called for a New International Economic Order, which promises to solve the economic crises. Its achievement depended on the integrity of the Southern nations, credibility of their export goods and meaning their vulnerability by North. The New International Economic Order failed because of these three steps was not completed. Firstly, there was a high gap between the Newly Independent Nations and the less developed countries. In addition, the commodity became less costly for North, whose want raw materials were reducing. The other factor was that the North did not demand to make any changes besides what they were eager to do. The North suggest its help by agreeing to send the funds, to offer advise to learn about export strategies, to avoid degradation of the global circumstances and to decrease the flow of the Souths people to the North.   Ã‚  Ã‚   The shortcoming of the New International Economic Order did not solve the North-South issue. After 2. shock it became clear that oil suppliers and developing nations succeeding the export substitution strategy very well. Criticisms of Washington Consensus The term  Washington Consensus  was firstly coined in 1989  to describe a set of ten important economic policy offers that he considered should constitute the reform package provide for  crisis-wracked  developing countries  based institutions such as the  International Monetary Fund  (IMF),  World Bank, and the  US Treasury Department. It has been criticized by people such as  Joseph E. Stiglitz. This is the most important point of Stiglitzs criticisms of the IMF neo-classical approach in the South. They simply do not have the institutions or information transparency for the neo-classical model to work. Stiglitzs criticisms are about the disadvantages of globalization. He stated some problems about this consensus. The South is getting screwed by asymmetrical trade opening. The South is getting a raw deal on the opening up of services and intellectual property rights. The South would gain more from trade than aid. The IMF is too doctrinaire and ideological in applying its one size fits all to countries around the world. The IMF screwed up in East Asia, by mis-diagnosing the basic causes of the problem. The result of capital account crises combined with the IMFs classic medicine has been disaster. There is a huge market failure in world capital markets. All of the risk is being carried by the South because they cannot borrow long-term in their own currencies. Hence, the borrowers, not the rich lenders take the risk. CONCLUSION While both Liberals and Marxist advocate growth ideology, especially economic growth, these approaches do not give importance to power structures and relations. The main aim of these approaches that how can developing countries reach the standart of developing economy in the North. Whereas, social transformation is of highly importance for this transformation. After examining many different views to deal with the North-South issue, It can be said that solution of this problem is not simple. Gap between North and South can be decreased by some reforms. In light of these reforms, economy of developing countries must be developed. On the other hand, social development is of highly importance in terms of reducing of North-South gap. Equality of member in society must be provided.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Writing History Essay -- Personal Narrative Writing

A Writing History Every great writer, whether it is a poet, novelist, journalist, or any other type will share a common beginning with every person, this I see. Where they take it from there is up to them, the choice is free. The common beginning is simple, even quite easy. It usually starts in kindergarten learning the ABC's. From there you learn to form and read words-the first step of literacy. In my opinion, writing can be fun, but it did not always seem that way to me. This paper will give a brief background on my steps in the writing experience; this is my writing history. Kindergarten, the first step. This is where I started to hate writing; it all began with the alphabet. Writing had a bad first impression on me. Every day or so I would write that long list of loathsome letters repeatedly for an hour or three. With that mastered, words soon would follow. This was not such a big step, not too hard to swallow. At first I learned simple words, things like dog, cat, and colors (if memory serves). In fifth grade I wanted my writing to be sophisticated and distinguished. That is when I discovered calligraphy-the Old English. It was like winning a shopping spree for the mind. Little by little I memorized the style. I used it all the time. I suppose I compare learning calligraphy to a "shopping spree" because it cost me nothing to learn it. It was all free. I used calligraphy on any project that allowed me to be creative. I got so used to calligraphy it became native. It was in me as if I was born into it; my birthright. When I used this art form time was lost; I would write day and night. Although I now hardly use this classical style in my art (writing poetry and lyrics), calligraphy will forever remain in my writi... ... beginning made on what I wrote; the changes the break up made were just as exciting. I wrote the "break up" poems just to get it off my mind and on to something else, like paper. Here's an example of what I was writing: "My heart is too much of a hole to to tell you to hold. So I say goodbye and remember you till I'm old. But I still live the day I found your love was fool's gold." When I was finished with writing "ex-girlfriend" poems I went back to my old style. I felt normal again. I was all warmed up like a track star that just ran his first mile. I won't blow off creative writing assignments like I did in junior high. Now they'll be all mine. And that's just about it-the brief background of my writing history. I don't know if I'll always write poetry and lyrics, I'm not sure. I could write less or write more. That's up to my writing future.

In this essay, I intend to discuss the ways in which the poems Dulce :: English Literature

In this essay, I intend to discuss the ways in which the poems Dulce Et Decorum Est and Charge Of The Light Brigade represent war. I will discuss the themes of death, emotions, conditions and opinion. In Dulce Et, death is shown as horrific and that of terrible suffering. "His hanging face like a devil's sick of sin." This simile describes the way in which the poet Wilfred Owen saw the men suffering. He uses an effective method of a metaphor, 'Devil's sick of sin', and this metaphor shows just how horrible death is. When a devil is sick of sin, it is no longer a devil, this means that the man described is no longer a human. However, in the Charge, death is shown as quick and clean. This is shown in the quote "While horse and hero fell." Death is not described in the detail of Dulce Et, because the poet wants to show war as glorious and honourable, this could not be achieved if the poet talked about the horrible way in which the men die. The poet uses the word heroes because it shows the men as honourable and glorious, which is the intended message of the poem. In Dulce Et, death has no glory and the men have no sense of dignity. "The old lie: Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori." This quote shows that the statement 'that dying for ones own country' is a complete lie. Wilfred Owen does this to emphasise how horrible and undignified death really is. Owen wants to show that death has no glory and is undignified. The poet also uses Latin, because the reader will recognise the language used is old fashioned, this will then make the reader feel as though war is now old fashioned and pointless. He uses the contrast of two languages to show the difference of views in the two different time periods. In comparison, in the Charge, death is shown as honourable and glorious. "When can their glory fade?" This poem presents death as quick and without suffering, the poet says that the men who died for their country are glorious and should always be remembered. However, when both poems have been read, the reader sees war as even more futile because the men know that it is almost impossible to achieve victory against so many enemies, so they are in effect going in to the battle to die for no reason. However, the Charge's poet shows the men as honourable because they did not question the orders. Both poems show that death is not important. In Dulce Et, death is a

Friday, July 19, 2019

Jack Welch and the GE Way Essay -- Managing Case study business Essays

Jack Welch and the GE Way   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When Jack Welch was named CEO of General Electric, Welch saw a company in trouble even though the business world saw GE as an intrinsically healthy corporation, secure in its position as a world industrial leader. Welch knew that the company was too large to fail yet GE was too unwieldy to adapt for further growth. The changes he instituted restructured and revolutionized GE and made Welch the most respected CEO in business today. After reading the book there were three parts that really stood out for me.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Chapter 3: Cultivate managers who share your vision was the most important chapter to me. It talks about putting the right managers in the right positions. Welch says, â€Å"What we are looking for†¦are leaders†¦ who can energize, excite, and control rather than enervate, depress, and control† (p. 35). Managers in a company should bursting with energy and are able to develop and implement a vision and not just talk about those visions. They must also know how to spread enthusiasm throughout the entire company. One of the keys to being a great business leader is getting employees excited about their work. One of the ways to get employees excited about their work is to allow employees more freedom and responsibility then they have now. In order to make this happen, middle managers have to be team members and coaches. They need to facilitate more than control. Managers should be energizers and not enervators. Welch suggests that the only way to last at GE is to get on board, to become a team player, and to adapt oneself to the company’s values and culture when describing the different types of managers that will or will not succeed. The first type of manager delivers on commitments and shares the company’s values. The second type does not meet commitments and does not share the company’s values. The third type misses commitments but does share the company’s values. Welch himself cares more that a manager sticks to the company’s values than meets the numbers. The fourth type delivers on the commitments but does not subscribe to the company’s values. Welch broke these managers into three categories, type A, type B, and type C managers. Type A managers were defined as team players that subscribe to the company’s values. People trust them; they make impacts on decisions, and are leaders who seek to develop high value in other... ...h targets† (p. 170). Welch emphasizes that one should not settle for second best when you are able to achieve more. When you reach for the stars, you may fail but stretching yourself and stretching your business you are going to bring better performance results to your business. He also says to be creative, more imaginative, and more thoughtful about your business. The more you think about how to get more out of your business, the higher your stretch targets and the better off your are going to be. I think that all employers and manager should encourage their employees to reach for the stars. This will help employees realize what they are capable of doing. Managers need to help employees realize and make goals along with making sure that they meet their goals. I believe that Jack Welch and the GE Way is a great tool for any manager. He Welch helped turn a great company into an even greater company. Many of his ideas can be used in the workplace and in everyday life. His ideas are not complex or complicated to understand. It will just take time to incorporate them into your life or business. When you do, you will realize that even you life or business can be better.  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Psy/285 Final Week 9

PSY/285 Elizabeth Davis November 11, 2012 Bettye Griffin I am well rounded, independent, and unique. I believe that being well rounded means that you are not just one way or another. It means you have a little bit of every thing. I think that independent means for a person to be out on their own in life. It means to be able to take care of them selves in life, along with other people. I am independent not interdependent. I do not rely on others for any thing. Meaning I do not get help with bills, money, school, child, car, or any other aspect in life. Interdependent means you get help from others or depend on other to do things for you.I think that self serving bias is some thing that every one has to some degree or another. I think that it is a bias opinion that enhances or widens your ego or self esteem. For me I am self bias towards my self in the fact that I am a very vain person. I believe I am very attractive meaning my self esteem is great about how I look when others are arou nd. Locus of control theory is where people believe that they can control events that can affect them. External locus of control is a person that believes the whole world is out to get them, luck does exist, and that life is unfair.Internal locus of control is when a person has feelings of being responsible for the outcomes that happen in their lives. I know that confirmation bias is where a person has a tendency to favor information that goes along with their own beliefs. A person does this by gathering or when they remember information by picking out pieces of it. I think then that confirmation bias is some thing that we all do. I know for my self I have selective hearing. With this I pick out what I want to hear from a conversation, perceive it, and use it how I want to.My experiences that I have had with beliefs generating from their own confirmation have not always ended well. I know that nothing in life will happen exactly how you want it to. I do this all the time and plan ou t how others will react in a certain situation I am always wrong. I know that my behaviors influence my attitude a lot. I simply put my desires and actions first. My attitude or my intention only pushes my desires and actions further. Our text did suggest that there are several ways that genetics influence gender identity. My gender identity is influenced by my genetics because I was raised by my great grand parents.This means I am more apt to take on the old fashioned ways or believing in what a woman should act or be. I think that my gender identity has been shaped by the environment that I was raised in. I think that some evidence to support this would be that I do believe that me as a woman should do the cooking and cleaning. A woman should be married to one man in her life. A woman place in the world is behind her man. A woman must be able to do what a man does and work as hard as they can. I think that now in life that I am not at a great risk of conforming.I know that growing up at one point or another I was influenced to conform to a great many different aspects of life. I am stable in who I am and what I am today. I think as a person grows older in life it is harder to sway to conformity. I just don’t feel the need to impress or to be or act like some thing I am not. I have always had a hard time with both authority and also obedience. I think that in my opinion they go hand and hand with each other. I think that fear of authority or the stubbornness of just not wanting to both has a clear view of why the obedience will then not look.I think that the foot in the door technique has had a lot of influence on me doing things in my life. I think the biggest foot in the door was when I was younger and with my friends. When I would hang with them and they would start to do some thing illegal or dangerous. That means I would have a choice of walking away or since I am all ready there so why not concept. Oh, of course I have used the foot in the door t echnique on others. This is used in peer pressure situations when some one does not want to do some thing but convince them to using the foot in the door.I think that when I am in the presence of others I am very stand back and watch kind of person. I like to take in what is going on around me. I think that with or around others I know that I act with respect and honesty. When alcohol is involved that bearer that was there to just sit, watch, and be kind of shy is lost. When that is gone I am just full of confidence and the life of every one else around me. I know that no matter what group project that you get your self in to that there will always be some kind of social leafing.I volunteer at our church a lot, and at the veterans hall we work in groups and there is always one or two people who I have to pick up the slack from, because they refuse to help in any way. I don’t think that it will get any better in the future. I don’t think that it will because I can not c hange other people and how they see life. Only that person can make the conscious decision to change is them selves. I believe that Deindividuation is a concept that is mostly thought of as one loosing their self awareness in other groups.I think that deindividuation is where people sway into other groups other than what they would usually. It is acting different in a group than you would usually, that would be completely out of character for you. People that are in groups over time lose their own self awareness and self restraint because of the group they are in. At this point they would loose their own self as an individual and become more like the others. I think that people whom are in groups would do things that they would not on the account that the person would then be less responsible for their own actions.I think that I was influenced and have gotten in a lot of trouble in the past because of deindividuated presence of other people. I am not now though taken over in any gro up nor do I want to be my life is fine with out getting in trouble. I think that there are many different levels that a person can be attracted to another person. I think that at first it is the attraction of what a person looks like. I think that personal things you have in common helps. I also think that being around a person for long time will increase the chance of being attracted to one another.There is so many things that can make a person attractive to me. I do know that the preference at attractiveness is different between each person. I think that there are many things that you can do to help sustain relationships. Here are some of the things that I do to help sustain a relationship is trust, compassion, compromise, and respect. I think that all of these are needed to have a healthy relationship. I think that trust is big to be able to feel at ease. Compassion is needed for your self the most to put it into the relation ship, and also to be healthy for you to have compassio n towards other things in life.I would say that compromise is like picking your battles. This would come along with talking to your partner. I would also say that to have respect is both for your self as well as the other person. When I have to resolve a conflict there is just a few things that I do to help with this. I first pick a time to talk about it. I make sure not to go into talking about it when I am angry or mad. I would also take into consideration to bring in an out side party to monitor the conflict, if we can not come to a compromise or agreement about the conflict.I am glad that this class has opened my eyes to so many different views and ideas of what I need to take a look at in life. I think that it is good to know what the things are that centers around who I am and also why I am that way. I think that I have been able to change some of my views and ways from what I have learned in this class. Although, I do know that even though this class has made me aware of some of my actions and beliefs, that I am just not ready to take control of and change. It has also made me aware of why others act in the way they do.I will not be so judgmental of certain behaviors or actions in the future. I am more aware of the world around me, including my self and other people who I choose to surround my life around. I loved what this class has taught me and will keep it with me in my mind and thoughts for ever. I wish that other people would take vane and learn why things are what they are. To find reason for behaviors this makes it so that maybe some time knowing why will become action to change to some thing better.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Honor Who to Protect?

GBB/GCB 1033 Management and Organizational conduct Case Study 1 January 2013 Semester pureness Who To Protect? move into Riles, insurance claims claims adjuster, has the day off. He is playing with his 4-year-old daughter erica when the telephone rings. At the other balance of the line, Dons supervisor, apologizing for interrupting his time off, pleads for his help. forget Don divert confer a char in his neighborhood who has made claims for bodily and intellectual injury resulting from a car crack with a person insured by Dons company? The woman has consented to a visit from their adjuster to assess the injuries to her nose and mental state. Apparently the crash has caused her to relapse into a condition of paranoia and manic depression, previously stabilized. ) The claims adjuster in charge of the case has called in sickscheduling the appointment has been difficult. Will Don please fill in? Don agrees readily, but asks if he could carry his daughterit is their day toget her firearm his wife worked. Dons supervisor gratefully assures him that take the little girl along is no problem. When Don arrives at the womans house, he discovers no one at home, so he and his daughter wait in the car.Eventually, the woman arrives, parks, and emerges from her car, at which point Erica cries happily, Its omit Anderson Who is Miss Anderson? asks her father with surprise. Miss Anderson turns come out to be Ericas daycare teacher. Don conducts a short interview with the woman on the front steps of her home, satisfying himself that she does indeed have some facial injuries and that she is taking prescription medicine for her mental problems. spare-time activity the interview, Don authoritativeizes that he has a real dilemma. Insurance ethics mandates that claims investigations are solely confidential.An insurance professional with knowledge of a claims case is expected to keep reticent and to refrain from using the knowledge for person-to-person benefit. On one hand, to uphold his industrys grave of ethics, he is not to discuss or act on the information he has received about Miss Andersons situation. On the other hand, he does not necessity his daughter under the care of a person who is undergoing treatment for mental complaint and who might be dangerous. Dons wife is in any case an insurance claims adjuster, working for a intermit company. Still, even if Don tells her, she is bound by the same professional code of ethics. What should Don do?

Neuromarketing: Debunking the Myths

subsidisation 2 Neuromarketing debunking the Myths? Graduate School of Business MARKETING circumspection 555 subsidization 2 Neuromarketing ridicule the Myths? Actual debate 3624 (Excluding coer, contents and fictional character pages) varlet 0 of 18 engagement 2 Neuromarketing renunciation the Myths? TABLE OF content INTRODUCTION. 2 nervous Correlates .. Ethics of Neuromarketing . 8 Free pass on & Decision-making . 9 CONCLUSION 11 REFERENCES 2 rascal 1 of 18 fitting 2 Neuromarketing guy the Myths? INTRODUCTION Neuromarketing, argues Lee, Broderick, & Chamberlain (2007) is an emerging interdisciplinary domain of a function that combines economics, neuroscience and psychology, with Neuromarketing creation term just half-dozen years ago says Smidts (2002). The goal of neuromarketing purports Laybourne & Lewis, (2005) and Smidts (2002) is to study how the head is physiologic whollyy affected by marketing strategies and advert. ace activeness resulting from viewing a n advertizement is monitor lizarded and measured utilize neuroimaging techniques such(prenominal) as functional magnetic sonorousness imaging (functional magnetic resonance imaging), as shown in routine 1, and electroencephalography (pneumoencephalogram) is employ in order to evaluate the Figure 1 functional magnetic resonance imaging Image effectiveness of these strategies (Laybourne & Lewis 2005). McClure et al (2004) says neuromarketing stu take places ordinarily measure orientation amid crossroads in impairment of pit familiarity or product pick.As a viewer whitethorn hold a cognitive bias in traditional marketing studies, measures such as the product sense of taste for a crabbed enunciatement is several(prenominal)times difficult to measure argues Schaefer, Berens, Heinze, & Rotte (2006). Walter, Abler, Ciaramidaro, & Erk, (2005) intimate in neuromarketing studies, print familiarity and product pickence feed been matchd with anxious practise. Further, consumer protective cover groups and academics view the surface atomic lean 18a of neuromarketing with caution due to the possible ethical implications of purpose advertisements to intention eachy own specific neurological do ( commercial-grade officious, 2003).Laybourne & Lewis (2005) and Smidts (2002) says functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and electroencephalography (EEG) be intrinsic neuromarketing ar neuroimaging techniques and comprise the neuroscience aspect of the field. fMRI requires a actor to lay on a bed, with their head located inside the ring of a s croupener. Researchers freighter measure the neural drug ab utilize end-to-end the judgement in price of blood geological period via oxygen usage by monitoring the participant? s hotshot with fMRI. As a pipeline for this technique inquiryers pile in addition use EEG equipment as it is fairly portable and light. Using numerous electrodes that argon placed on the articipant? s scalp in a Figur e 2 in regularizeect Cap varlet 2 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? net-like fashion, as shown in Figure 2, EEGs fag end measure reason act by assessing electrical bodily process at the scalp. Using twain behavioural chemical reactions as well as neural energizings Fugate (2007) says researchers argon able to use neuroimaging to monitor and discharge marketing studies of the participant? s response. Fugate (2007) explains neuromarketing as being the performance that involves asking subjects to perform experimental tasks and stamp down tasks whilst being wired to various electronic devices.Researchers argon able to comp atomic number 18 differences in the images produced during the respective tasks as the devices generate instant, colourful images of a working brain. Researchers be then able to see what parts of the brain hasten believe responded to the stimuli used (Fugate 2007). Fugate (2007) describes the mechanics behind neuromarketing, as a rev olution in the marketing, however, Fugate (2007) has over relished some faultfinding scientific concepts, specifically the corollary nature to neuromarketing research. Nneuromarketing as a concept suggests Smidts (2002) emerged prior to the word in truth being used in 2002, despite suggestions differentwise. numerous studies lacked the spatial resolution to make any recyclable claims as to the mechanisms behind effective and ineffective denote techniques due to limitations of neuroimaging techniques conducted in the past some decades (Smidts 2002). An mannikin argues Reeves, Lang, Thorson, and Rothschild (1989), is their claim that in an EEG study goggle box scenes with negative content showcases activation of the frontal batch of the right hemisphere while positive messages cause long-life left hemisphere activity in the frontal region.It is burning(prenominal) to note that as notwithstanding four electrodes were used (in addition to the two reference electrodes) corti cal arousal was only monitored in toll of frontal versus occipital (Reeves, Lang, Thorson, and Rothschild 1989). Now days, EEG systems argon much much precise and often know up to 256 electrodes to monitor brain activity. Many new(prenominal) studies from the same time period by Krugman, (1971) Rothschild, Hyun, Reeves, Thorson, & Goldstein (1988) Rothschild & Hyun (1990) Weinstein, Appel, & Weinstein (1980) to a fault employ hemisphere? activations as key cultures.Nvirtuosothe little, suggest Weinstein et al (1980) it is not the fact that before research in neuromarketing? has been imprecise that is of greatest importance, but kinda a how quickly the field has evolved over the last few years. Page 3 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? Conditioning & Marketing Two methods atomic number 18 typically employed in neuromarketing research as means of evaluating an various(prenominal)? s preference between products product preference and trade name familiar ity. Product election Product preference comparisons involve two cognise inciters or products, which is unlike commemorate familiarity.Walter et al. (2005) uses an example of phallic participants being asked to rate a elevator automobile? s looks regardless of cost and practical requirements, given over the selection between a high performance sports vehicle, a midsized vehicle and a small car. Participants ranked the sports car initial, followed by the med-sized car, with the small car ranked last. Walter et al (2005) suggested the sports cars as a primary reinforcer for cordial dominance, representing independence, power and speed. In this example, the sports car acted as a secondary refund.Money or ethnical broad(a)s argon secondary rewards that reinforce behaviour only afterwardswards prior development, through associations with primary rewards (innate reinforcers including food, water, and sexual stimuli). The terzetto main functions of rewards as outlined by Wa lter et al (2005) can (a) induce positive effect, (b) induce learning via positive reinforcement, and (c) induce consuming behaviour for getting the reward. Sports cars atomic number 18 preferred, as seen from the study conducted by Walter et al (2005), as they correlate with primary rewards that we innately seek.They excessively represents characteristics that we perceive our culture valuates. Morgan et al (2002), as cited by Walter et al, (2005) say this study was also adapted from a previous study of dominance and social hierarchy involving prime mates. In short, given two classifiable products, preference depart be given towards one over the otherwise, which is due in general to the preferred product having much reinforcing qualities in hurt of secondary reinforcers we spot as being relevant at a personally level, as well as to our cultural heritage. (Walter et al 2005) Brand Familiarity Comparisons between amiliar and unfamiliar products atomic number 18 defined as grade familiarity (Campbell and Keller 2003). When a consumer first sees an advertisement for an unfamiliar stigmatize Campbell and Keller (2003) suggest they get hold negative uncertainty towards it as it is unfamiliar. However, repeating of an advertising message, argues Campbell and Keller (2003), Page 4 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? at low levels, decreases this uncertainty and increases the effectiveness. iodin counsel that products can earn the trust of the consumer and drop dead more(prenominal) than familiar, suggest Fugate (2007), is through the use of famous person endorsements.Repeated exposures can decrease the effectiveness of the advertisement by annoying the viewer, argues Campbell & Keller (2003), so therefore advertisers moldiness keep in mind not to advertise too much. Consumers can only store association for the familiar, but not the unfamiliar, so repeated exposures for an already familiar product provides more time for the con sumer to process the advertisement and their associated experiences from using the product (Fugate 2007). Consumer can beseem bored and still annoyed more slowly for unfamiliar brands as there is less friendship to process (Fugate 2007).Therefore, for consumers to recognise a new brand entering into the markets Campbell & Keller (2003) suggest they need to be traditionalist in their marketing efforts by not overdo it. More identifiable brands, such as Pepsi, argon able to advertise more often with less concern of annoying their audience argues Campbell & Keller (2003). uneasy Correlates A key principle of neuromarketing, suggest Damasio (1996), is that it is based on finding a neural correlates for bribeing consumers such as product preference and brand familiarity.As most studies are only able to monitor neural activity remarkally it is important to acknowledge that researchers are only able to seek a correlate and do not induce product preference via neural stimulation (D amasio 1996). Interestingly, peer reviewed evidence has been set linking brand familiarity and product preference with the mesial anterior cerebral mantle, says Damasio (1996). The average prefrontal cortex (mPFC), suggest Damasio (1996), is a repository of linkages between bioregulatory states and factual knowledge.In the more specific instance of advertising , this translates into experiences and product discipline being linked to positive effect, via the mPFC (Damasio 1996). IMAGE 1. mPFC Studies by Kable and Glimcher (2007) point to the median(a) prefrontal cortex (mPFC) as the locus of interest for neuromarketing studies are quite notable. As outlined in the sports car study earlier Walter et al (2005) advise product preference has been correlate with the activation of Page 5 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? several brain regions in the reward circuitry of the brain, including the mPFC.Preference has also been correlate with mPFC activity independ ent of prices argues Knutson, Rick, Wimmer, Prelec, & Loewenstein (2007) and was found to be predictive of later(prenominal) purchasing. Studies by Paulus & Frank (2003) observed when using a visual discrimination task as a control they found coinciding results when a simpler preference judgement study was conducted. McClure et al. (2004) conducted one of the most stimulate neuromarketing studies. Researchers conducting a study monitored neural activity when drink either Coca-Cola or Pepsi (see Figure 3).Using an fMRI for an experiment McClure et al (2004) had two conditions, (a) brand-cued delivery, and (b) blind assay test. When conducting a blind taste test, brain activity between the Coca-Cola and Pepsi was observed as being nigh identical. However, in the brand-cued condition, solid differences were observed in with neural activity, primarily in the ventro median prefrontal cortex (McClure et al 2004). Figure 3 Coke Vs Pepsi The significant observation was no neural activ ation differences were set when no brand nformation was provided, but when brands were identified, product preference and brand familiarity came into play with Coca-Cola being generally preferred by the participants, which caused significantly more activity in the ventro average prefrontal cortex region of the brain says McClure et al (2004). An important aspect of the study is that no fillings are make by the participant the soft drink were given to the participants in the fMRI in small quantities the percentage was based when the brand was first announced the finding was based on the activated regions on the brain as measured by the fMRI.Brand preference and previous conditioning is only examined in brand-cued delivery, and only then is there significant ventromedial prefrontal cortex activation. Koenigs & Tranel (2008) in a follow-up to the McClure et al (2004) study shed more light on the paradox of cola preference. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) explain that subjects tend to pr efer Pepsi over Coca-Cola, or receive no accredited preference, in a blind-taste test, yet Coca-Cola consistently Page 6 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? outsells Pepsi therefore creating a Pepsi paradox.When brand information is available, CocaCola is preferred, however, when brand information is not provided, no reliable preferences can be made, which is creating the paradox (Koenigs and Tranel 2008). Cola preference was equilibrise in the McClure et al (2004) study. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) tested predictions from previous studies by using participants with damaged prefrontal cortex. Koenigs and Tranel (2008) discovered that when patients are presented with brand information, it makes no difference on their preferences.The conclusion was this finding mirrors effects found in linguistic rule individuals participating in blind-taste tests. Gladwell (2005) suggest the strong brand image of Coca-Cola, not taste, is the reason Coca-Cola is preferred over Pep si. Several studies nurse tie ined brand familiarity with mPFC. Schaefer et al (2006) and Schaefer & Rotte (2007) report that when comparing familiar and unfamiliar products with mPFC activity differences in neural activity are detected, which can also be connected to neurolearning literature of bric-a-brac detection in rat lesion studies suggest Dias & dulcorate (2002). Campbell and Keller (2003) suggest relative to behavioural principles, brand familiarity is of uttermost(prenominal) importance to advertisers. Fear the un cognize pushed consumers away, and in advertising, this dread creates uncertainty for product that results in consumers selecting a known product. For culturally familiar brands relative to unfamiliar brands Schaefer and Rotte (2007) demonstrate this as superior frontal activity and increase mPFC. In short, studies conducted McClure et al (2004), Paulus & Frank (2003), Walter et al (2005) have linked medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) activation to preference judgements.Further, Schaefer et al (2006) and Schaefer & Rotte (2007) suggest mPFC can be attributed to the preference for the familiar over the unfamiliar, assuming that the consumer is red ink to buy a product either way (i. e. a vehicle). Preferences between the available choices in terms of their relative value, suggests Montague (2008), is the next tonicity in the consumer closing making. Consumers can evaluate their choices by weighing the pros and cons of all the available choices (Montague 2008). Research by Sutherland (2004) shows that this process is primarily undertaken by the medial prefrontal cortex, which some have dubbed the liking centre? f the brain. Several other areas have been implicated as key brain regions relevant to neuromarketing research, suggest Walter et al (2005), other than the medial prefrontal cortex. Some of these Page 7 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? regions include the dorsoadaxial striatum, amygdala and orbitofrontal co rtex, (Walter et al 2005). The ventral striatum says Knutson et al (2007), Walter et al (2005), is the reward center of the brain and has been correlated with self-reported self arousal but only as an indicator of the predicted value of the reward.This is used as a mechanism for learning as it is thought of as prediction error. The amygdale says Walter et al (2005) has also been correlated with reward intensity in neuromarketing studies, however, is commonly known for its role in processing emotional information. The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), says Walter et al (2005), consists of mainly two regions the lateral and medial (and is mainly thought of as a measure of preference. The medial OFC is activated by rewarding stimuli, which includes the medial prefrontal cortex. Lateral OFC activity is correlated with punishing stimuli.The use of neuroimaging is not limited to neural activation measures says Fugate (2007). For example, in terms of hormonal secretions such as dopamine neuroim aging quantitatively measure this affect (Fugate, 2007). Though the field is expanding rapidly there is much to discover in terms of neural correlates and interest to neuromarketing, suggests Fugate (2007). Ethics of Neuromarketing In order to enhance a moneymaking(prenominal) make believe a major issue for research in neuromarketing is the ethical concerns of neuroimaging. Neuromarketing is nowhere near ready to bear researchers to design a marketing campaign, so habit-forming that overrides an individual? easy go out. Founded or unfounded concerns are being allayed regarding this. A consumer protection group in America, known as Consumer Alert, has filed complaints to the US federal government, as well as a US senate committee, and universities, protesting the morality of neuromarketing. Consumer Alert believe neuromarketing as finding a buy button inside the skull (commercial Alert 2003, 1). Commercial Alert (2003, 3) claims Our children are suffering from extraordinary lev els of obesity, type 2 diabetes, anorexia, bulimia, and pathological gambling, while millions will eventually die from the marketing of tobacco. According to Consumer Alert (2003), the rise of neuromarketing will bring an end to free will. Lee et al (2007, 202) suggest Unfortunately, the barely concealed disdain for the inclination of neuromarketing? in the neuroscience literature is clearly based on the opinion that marketing research is a commercial activity purely designed to sell products to the domain which many a(prenominal) Page 8 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? academics are also hesitating to embrace (Thompson, 2003).Neuroscience academics tend to focus on more medically relevant questions, though there are many journals dedicated to economics and marketing (Thompson, 2003). As such, some believe that brain imaging will be used in ways that trench personal privacy to a totally unacceptable degree (Editorial, 2004b, 71). An anonymous author in ch aracter Neuroscience, took a similar stance, saying Neuromarketing is little more than a new fad exploited by scientists and marketing consultants to blind corporate clients with science. (Laybourne & Lewis 2005, 29). Neuromarketing research whitethorn help reduce the problems raised by Commercial Alert (2003).For example, Montague, Hyman, & Cohen (2004) say, by examining the differences between the brain activity of compulsive overpurchasers may help to understand wherefore these compulsive individuals tend to spend outside of their means. In addition, it can provide useful information for how clinicians serve these disorders by looking at the correlations between purchasing behaviour and clinical disorders. For example, the reward circuitry of the brain and in value-based ratiocinationmaking and the medial prefrontal cortex are quite important says Montague, Hyman, & Cohen (2004).Two significant ethical issues are present in neuromarketing research argues Murphy, Illes, and R einer (2008), being (a) protection of consumer autonomy if neuromarketing reaches critical effectiveness, and (b) protecting vulnerable parties from harm. To mitigate, recommendations for a code of ethics? to be adopted by the neuromarketing industry are proposed by Murphy et al (2008). Some of the recommendations include (1) accurate representation of scientific methods to businesses and the media, (2) full disclosure of ethical principles used in the study, and (3) protecting research subjects from any coercion.Free will & Decision-making Murphy et al (2008) suggests that if neuromarketing ever does reach critical effectiveness then the concerns of Commercial Alert (2003) may not be unfounded after all as neuromarketing may infringe on an individual? s free will. The importance of neuromarketing is not confine to neuroimaging, but also includes computational neuroscience, which is the study of evaluateing the function steps that underlie a given behavioural process. Value-based conclusiveness-making, for example, can be broken down into quintuplet steps suggest Rangel, Camerer, & Montague, (2008), Page 9 of 18ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? which are (1) identifying the decision problem (2) weighing the possible choices (3) making a decision based upon the evaluation of the choices available (4) after carrying out the decision, consider the resulting consequences and (5) learn from the decision-making process in order to make better decisions in the next. Montague (2008, 584) says, Viewed this way, it? s easy to see why free? choice is an unconstructive way to conceptualize the way world choose .Vohs & Schooler (2008) suggests that free will and the ability to belie perception of it have also recently pose apparent. However, it has been many years, suggests Libet, Gleason, Wright, & Pearl (1983) since neuroimaging studies have suggested that neural activity does precede sure intention, especially if it can be monitored. The decisio n of whether or not to buy a product is a result of from balancing the wear of obtaining the product, says Knutson et al (2007), offset by the act of very having to purchase for the product, which is an interplay of corresponding valuations and choices.Using computational neuroscience, quite than neuroimaging, Walvis (2008), is able to connect neuroscience with common marketing principles. Walvis (2008) suggests threesome propositions of how the brain organises information and states, These three propositions function as well to the basis of an artificial neural network model, implicating the importance of what other elements? the brand is associated with, the strength of these associations, and the sheer number of associations that are present between the brand and other elements? in the network (Walvis, 2008, 182).These form the basis, say (Walvis, 2008, 186) for the third Branding Laws, based upon how engaging the branding environs is to the consumer, how repetitive and t ake aimed the branding efforts are, and how personally relevant the brand? s marketing strategy is to the consumer. The stronger these pathways and connections are, the more presumable a given product will be selected by a consumer. We can again quantify factors involved in choice behaviour, through the use of an artificial neural network, by using these laws says Walvis (2008).Neuromarketing can greatly improve marketing techniques when using a strong neuroscientific basis for branding, as suggested by Walvis (2008), even without the use of neuroimaging, but rather employing other aspects of neuroscience. Page 10 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? CONCLUSION Fugate (2007) suggests a revolution will before long overcome up-to-the-minute market research as a consequence of several key implications of neuromarketing. Researchers are better able to evaluate an advertisement? s effectiveness much more scientifically, when applying neuromarketing techniques, in ter ms of how the ad affects the viewer? emotional state (i. e. , fanaticism or humour) as well as the viewer? s attention to the ad. Product appeal, suggested by Walter et al (2005) and the sports car? study are also identified with respect to the findings with the reward circuitry of the brain. Neuromarketing was shown to be able to connect and quantify the effects of celebrity endorsements, suggested by Fugate (2007) that link the auditory and visual stimuli of the celebrity as they cause hormonal secretions in consumers that identify with the product endorsement, which can lead to a positive emotional response and feelings of trust.As researched by McClure et al (2004), logo/brand selection and emotional attachment was shown to be significant with consumers, which explained the result that Coca-Cola outperforms Pepsi. Only time will tell how much of an effect these new techniques will have on marketing success as the future implications of neuromarketing show great potential. Neur omarketing, in its current stage, is by no means adequate in determine if an advertisement is effective. Stimulating the medial prefrontal cortex does not mean that an advertisement will be effective as it is only a corollary response.The medial prefrontal cortex region of the brain is also the subject of other research studies, which include those in fear conditioning as suggested by Baratta, Lucero, Amat, Watkins, & Maier (2008), temper resulting in eating disorders (Uher et al. , 2004), and startle responses (Day-Wilson, Jones, Southam, Cilia, & Totterdell, 2006). The field shows great promise as being the next step in market research despite the current flaws in neuromarketing research.Advertisers are likely to be more successful in making a longer lasting impression on the consumer if they took advantage to the many psychology studies that have been previously conducted as they would be better able to direct their efforts towards a target demographic. It is debatable if improv ed marketing capabilities are good or bad for the consumer however, with ethics being oblige through legislation I feel we are seeing the myths of neuromarketing being debunked. Page 11 of 18 ASSIGNMENT 2 Neuromarketing Debunking the Myths? REFERENCES Baratta, V. , Lucero, T. , Amat, J. , Watkins, L. & Maier, S. 2008. Role of the ventral medial prefrontal cortex in mediating behavioural control-induced reduction of later conditioned fear. Learning & Memory, 15(2), 8487. http//proquest. umi. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au (accessed 26 February, 2011). Campbell, M. , & Keller, L. 2003. Brand familiarity and ad repetition effects. ledger of Consumer Research, 30, 292304. http//proquest. umi. com. dbgw. lis. curtin. edu. au (accessed 26 February, 2011). Commercial Alert. 2003. Commercial alert asks Emory University to halt neuromarketing experiments. Commercial Alert watchword Release. 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