Thursday, August 8, 2019

Autobiographical Narrative Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Autobiographical Narrative - Essay Example Being the class president, I did not want any of my classmates to know this. Soon the D-day reached, and off we were to the bus on our way for our class party. There was an aura of excitement, and the skies were clear as if to assure us of the fun we were going to have. The journey to the Miami Beach was fun and noisy classmates could be heard from the back of the bus, talking excitedly of how they could not wait to take a dip into the ocean. I thought about all these things and deep inside me I knew there was a huge task ahead of me. The engine roared mightily and their voices were subdued. I was sited near the driver’s seat and I could see my teacher looking at me. He suddenly as if he remembered something, asked,†By the way you are the class president, and I expect you not to let me down. I need to see everybody having fun and at the same time, well behaved, â€Å"I nodded in the affirmative and told him everything would be in control. After this there was silence in the bus and as I glanced over my shoulder, minutes later, I realized that everybody was asleep. I adjusted my seat belt, made myself comfortable and within two or three minutes I was in slumber land. â€Å"Miami here we come! Miami here we come! Miami here we come!†I was suddenly awakened by the voices of my classmates as they chanted we had arrived at our destination. I looked out of the window just to see the huge orange ball taking its dip for the day on the clear sky of Miami Beach. It was a sight to behold and I thought for the umpteenth time how I would one day own a beach house and all this would be mine to enjoy, for as long as I lived. After checking in our hotel rooms and freshening up we were all ready for our supper. We all gathered in the beautifully furnished dining room, and as we savored the sumptuous meal, you could read satisfaction on the faces of everyone. Their faces radiated joy and without being told, it was clear that

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