Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Relevant Organizational Records of Your Performance Review Meeting Essay

Relevant Organizational Records of Your Performance Review Meeting - Essay Example After analyzing the self performance form, I can clearly tell there were areas where he thinks he does exceptionally well and then there were those areas where he thinks he hasn't performed that well. After getting done with the performance self review form, I asked him some questions and those questions were based on his response on the self performance form. Other then that during the entire course of the meeting I had a notepad with me in which I noted down details regarding this interaction with Mr. X. The main points that I looked forward to in this meeting were whether Mr. X was confident, calm and composed during the entire self review process or he was too afraid of being appraised. I also had a company evaluation form which I had to fill in as I interviewed him. This form contained many questions but the main ones were regarding his performance during the interview, whether I thought he had what it took to be promoted, if I thought he had leadership qualities, was Mr. X to m e capable of handling more responsibilities and if he was capable of performing well under pressure. All these questions lead towards the main question which asked me if Mr. X in my opinion is deserving enough to be promoted to the next level the company's hierarchy. Reflections On Your Performance For Your CPD Record The meeting started off right on time. Before I handled over the self performance form to Mr. X, I introduced myself and told him the what the purpose of this meeting was. I informed Mr. X what job reviews actually are. I told him it is a method by which the on job performance of of an employee is measured or evaluated by a senior manager in the company. I informed him that such performance reviews take place once every year and explained him the entire process of this self performance. I personally think I did really well to let him know about the entire process and how things work out on the promotional scale. However, I think there was a communication gap between us and that could be attributed to me speaking to fast. I think this is one thing I really need to improve on and this is not really the first time that this has happened to me. Prior to this, in yet another performance appraisal interview, a candidate complained he was unable to interpret what I said as I he complained as I spoke too fast. After explaining him all this, I handled the performance evaluation form to him and told him how to fill it out. I told him about the possible options on the form and that he should select one which suits him best. It took him around half an hour to get done with the performance evaluation form and as soon as he was done he handed over the form to me. After receiving the evaluation form I first looked at his answers and I determined that he personally has a very balanced opinion about he he performs at work. Subsequently, I designed my questions keeping in view of what I got to know of him through the evaluation. However, here I must agree to the o ne fault I made after looking at the self evaluation form. I personally thought that Mr. X was a very proud person and I came to this view after looking at the evaluation form and finding out there were generally more ticks on â€Å"excellent† and â€Å"good† to the answers then on â€Å"poor† and â€Å"average†. My views however changed as I moved on to interview him. When I asked him if he thought he's a good worker, he told me that he thinks he doesn't know if he's good or not but he said he

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